School Board
Policies BA, BB series, BD series, and BE series
The board of trustees is elected by the citizens of the district to represent the community’s commitment to a strong educational program for the district’s children. Board members are elected yearly and serve three-year terms. Board members serve without compensation, must be qualified voters, and must reside in the district.
Current board members include:
Jim Looney, Place 1
Lance Thweatt, Place 2
Russell Rice, Place 3
Daniel Ruddick, Place 4
Mark Gose, Place 5
Travis Taylor, Place 6
Aaron Moore, Place 7
The board normally meets the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Alvord ISD Administration Building. Special meetings may be called when necessary.
All meetings are open to the public. In certain circumstances, Texas law permits the board to go into a closed session from which the public and others are excluded. Closed session may occur for such things as discussing prospective gifts or donations, real-property acquisition, certain personnel matters including employee complaints, security matters, student discipline, or consulting with attorneys regarding pending litigation.
Jim Looney
Place 1
Term: May 2024/May 2027

Secretary/Place 2
Term: May 2024/May 2027
Place 3
Term: May 2022/May 2025
President/Place 4
Term: May 2022/May 2025
Mark Gose
Vice President/Place 5
Term: May 2022/May 2025

Travis Taylor
Place 6
Term: May 2023/May 2026

Aaron Moore
Place 7
Term: May 2023/May 2026
Document Uploads
- 2024-25 Adopted Budget
- 2024-25 Proposed Budget
- 2023-24 Adopted Budget
- 2023-24 Proposed Budget
- 2022-23 Adopted Budget
- 2022-23 Proposed Budget
- 2021-22 Adopted Budget
- 2021-22 Proposed Budget
- 2020-21 Adopted Budget
- 2020-21 Proposed Budget
- 2019-20 Adopted Budget
- 2019-20 Proposed Budget
- 18-19 Adopted Budget
- 18-19 Proposed Budget
- 17-18 Adopted Budget
- 17-18 Proposed Budget
- Resolution Regarding Wage Payments During Closing 2025.pdf
- Resolution to Establish Non-Business Days for PIA.pdf
- Resolution to set the Tax Rate signed.pdf
- Resolution to Declare a Good Cause Exception for House Bill 3 Armed Security Officer Requirement
- Resolution of the Board to Convene the SHAC to Recommend Curriculum Materials for Human Sexuality Instruction March 2023
- Resolution Regarding Wage Payments During an Emergency School Closer 2-27-23.pdf
- Resolution to establish the Alvord ISD Police Department.pdf
- Resolution of the Board to Convene the SHAC to Recommend Curriculum Materials for Human Sexuality Instruction .pdf
- Resolution of the Board Regarding Wage Payments during an Emergency School Closure 3-1-22.pdf
- Resolution of the Board Regarding ESSER III & Policy CB(Local) State and Federal Revenue Sources
- Resolution to Pay Employees during Closing 2-23-2021.pdf
- Resolution of the Board Regarding Extended Leave during an Epidemic.pdf
- Resolution of the Board Regarding EIC(LOCAL) Class Rank.PDF
- Resolution of the Board Delegating Authority to Superintendent to Approve Waivers.PDF
- Resolution of the Board regarding Employee Compensation During Periods of Closure and Granting the Superintendent Certain Authority Related to Employee Duty Days and Compensation 3-23-2020.pdf
- Resolution Regarding Wage Payments During an Emergency School Closure 2020.pdf
- Hazardous Conditions Resolution 17-18
- Resolution Regarding Wage Payments During an Emergency School Closure
Click image below for the School Board Elections Page
Meeting Schedule & Agendas
- 3-24-2025 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 2-24-2025 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 1-27-2025 Regular Agenda.pdf
- Cancelled 1-16-25 Called Agenda.pdf
- Cancelled 1-15-25 Called Agenda.pdf
- 1-14-25 Called Agenda.pdf
- CANCELLED 1-12-25 Called Agenda.pdf
- 1-11-25 Called Agenda.pdf
- 1-10-25 Called Agenda.pdf
- 1-6-25 Called Agenda.pdf
- 12-10-24 Called Agenda.pdf
- 12-9-24 Called Agenda.pdf
- 12-2-2024 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 10-28-24 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 10-21-24 Called Agenda.pdf
- 9-23-24 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 8-29-24 Called Agenda.pdf
- 8-19-24 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 7-22-24 AMENDED Agenda.pdf
- 6-17-24 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 6-11-24 Called Agenda.pdf
- 5-28-24 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 5-13-24 Called Agenda - Canvass Meeting.pdf
- Cancelled 5-9-2024 Called Agenda.pdf
- 4-22-2024 Amended Regular Agenda.pdf
- 3-25-2024 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 2-26-2024 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 1-22-2024 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 11-27-2023 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 10-23-23 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 9-25-23 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 10-2-23 Called Meeting Agenda.pdf
- 8-30-23 Called Agenda.pdf
- 8-28-23 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 7-24-23 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 6-26-23 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 6-26-23 Called Agenda.pdf
- 5-30-23 Amended Regular Agenda.pdf
- 5-10-23 Called Agenda - Canvass Meeting.pdf
- 5-1-23 Called Agenda.pdf
- 4-24-2023 Amended Regular Agenda.pdf
- 3-27-2023 Amended Regular Agenda.pdf
- 3-7-23 Called Agenda.pdf
- 2-27-2023 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 1-23-2023 AMENDED Regular Agenda.pdf
- 1-9-23 Called Agenda.pdf
- 11-28-2022 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 10-24-22 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 9-26-22 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 8-29-22 Called Agenda.pdf
- 8-22-22 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 7-25-2022 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 5-24-22 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 4-25-2022 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 3-29-2022 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 3-1-2022 Revised Regular Agenda 2-25-2022.pdf
- 1-24-2022 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 12-7-2021 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 10-19-2021 Called Agenda.pdf
- 9-27-21 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 8-31-21 Called Agenda.pdf
- 8-23-21 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 7-26-2021 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 6-14-2021 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 5-13-21 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 5-4-21 Called Agenda - Canvass Meeting.pdf
- 4-26-2021 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 3-25-2021 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 3-8-2021 Called Agenda.pdf
- 2-23-2021 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 1-25-2021 Regular Agenda.pdf
- TASB Update 116 Local Policy List.pdf
- 12-21-2020 Called Agenda.pdf
- 12-17-2020 Called Meeting Cancelled
- 11-30-2020 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 10-26-2020 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 10-20-2020 Safety Committee Meeting Agenda (1).pdf
- 10-19-2020 Called Agenda.pdf
- 9-28-20 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 8-31-20 Amended Called Agenda.pdf
- 8-24-20 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 8-6-2020 Called Agenda.pdf
- 7-27-20 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 6-22-20 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 5-21-20 Regular Agenda.pdf
- Alvord Public Meeting REAP 1.pdf
- 4-27-20 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 3-23-20 Amended Regular Agenda.pdf
- 2-24-20 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 1-16-20 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 12-2-19 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 10-28-19 Regular Agenda.pdf
- 10-2-19 Called Agenda.pdf
- 9-12-19 Regular Agenda.pdf